In the past, we were taking applications over the Internet through a link that connected to our former Loan Origination System (LOS) and over the phone. With that system we had information coming in through call recordings, fax, and email. That was not viable for us to grow, and we were not gaining the traction we hoped due to a different application submission process than our competitors.

As we talked with dealers, we quickly found that to be effective in this industry you have to use AppOne®; so in 2019, we started.

From day one, our AppOne support and implementation teams were fantastic. They were, and still are, always very attentive and just a phone call away.

Having only one platform to use is extremely beneficial. Everything flowing in from one place keeps information organized and easy to track. That, along with the ease of operation, are just a couple of things that make AppOne the leader in the industry.

Since we’ve increased the use of AppOne among dealers, it’s greatly improved our relationship with them. Everyone we work with is either already using AppOne or willing to move in that direction because it’s better for everyone when AppOne is in the equation. It’s helped us onboard more dealers and increase our volume because AppOne provides a great and easy-to-use product.

We’re always looking for something different, something new — anything we can do to help dealers drive business. We strive to be early movers on any technological advances, and we’ve taken a huge step toward that by partnering with AppOne.


Will Schrama,
Vice President, Finance and Operations
West Palm Beach, FL

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