Not too long ago, our dealership’s F&I process was being outsourced. The person who previously held my position extracted and entered everything manually. When our current ownership moved in, it was glaringly obvious that it wasn’t the ideal way to do things because it was inefficient.

The solution they found was AppOne®, which I was introduced to when I started at Sandy Hook Yachts. As I talked with our AppOne team, I realized we weren’t using the platform to its full potential, and I thought, “AppOne has all these capabilities, and we need to take advantage of it.”

There’s so much more value in doing these processes in-house, and having AppOne there to help adds another layer to that value, making my job easier.

We can control the sales process and deal flow for as much efficiency as possible, and AppOne makes it easier to keep all our numbers correct. Instead of going to multiple points for one task, it’s all centralized.

After boat shows, I can easily connect with customers I have spoken with and quickly get the information I need. This makes it easier for everyone because instead of extracting information over a phone call, they can enter it all online.

AppOne bridges the gaps between us and lenders by making the entire process seamless. There’s not always just one lender on a deal – sometimes it’s two or three, so making all of the communication between us smooth keeps our relationship with lenders positive.

The chat feature allows me to start conversations that usually make an easy transition into emails and telephone calls. There are a lot of underwriters with whom I’m on a first-name basis now because we work together all the time, and that started because of AppOne.

A feature I didn’t expect to need is ReySign. We’ve just begun using it and I wish all lenders would implement it as well. We currently use FedEx and spend $40-$60 overnighting packets and another $40 having them sent back. With ReySign, we’ll eliminate those costs and make the process easier for both us and the customer.

My top priority is providing a top-rate experience from beginning to end, and that’s where AppOne shines.


Craig Moberg, Business Manager
Sandy Hook Yachts
Sea Bright, NJ


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